?[COVID-19] Keep calm and greet without hands
For several weeks now, GL events Paris Venues has been closely monitoring developments related to the Coronavirus - COVID-19 epidemic.
As human encounters and exchanges are at the heart of our business, our duty is to ensure the continuity of events while preserving the health of all.
On the basis of recommendations and advice from the competent health and governmental authorities, precautionary and preventive measures have been taken:
- Implementation of dedicated resources to manage the issues related to the Coronavirus - COVID-19 risk
- Following the recommendations of French and local institutional health authorities, as well as the recommendations of the World Health Organization for our employees
- Cleaning gels are available at all our venues for our customers and employees
- Awareness of preventive actions to be taken
- Implementation of a reinforced cleaning plan for our spaces (common areas, knobs, door handles...etc)
To date, the situation allows all the planned events to be maintained in complete safety. These measures are preventive and not limited, according to the evolution of the situation we will do our utmost to ensure our responsibilities.
Many organizers have confirmed their commitment to us, under these conditions, to maintain their event.
We keep ourselves regularly informed and we also invite you to consult the websites of the authorities and professional organisations such as :
- Public Health France
Thank you for your trust and see you soon on our venues.